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Classy sexy women are a concise description that speaks volumes. It evokes a series of powerful images. Reflecting upon classy mature women, I instantly visualize a trendy bar with subdued lighting. I envision a refined, elegant woman…savoring an exquisite cocktail, her enchanting eyes taking in her surroundings with a cool impartiality. Just to gaze into that stare for a second, is to become hypnotized.

A fantasy, but one that is not all that preposterous. Classy and seasoned women, are not extinct. They are very much amongst us and are considered to be the epitome of mature femininity.

Those passionate males, who can’t withstand their charms, are living in exciting times. The classy sexy women that are so enchanting today are the pinnacle of an evolution that goes back in history.In history, classy sexy women were initiating themselves in society after centuries of living in the shadows of males. Their hair would be secured back from the face and teased into a French pleat, a bun, or plaits. Long, gentle curls were coaxed down, generating a sophisticated look.By the so-called ‘Roaring Twenties’ women were transformed, becoming even sexier. The median skirt hemline increased, until women exposed saucy amounts of leg, daring to unveil knees. Arms were comparably exposed. Contemporary fashions progressed from ladylike laces and rich, draping satins that covered every inch, with fringed dresses that provided far less unpretentious coverage.

With the birth of raging hot cinema, silver-screen figures appeared in every town center. Sexy European women were presented with fashionable icons to emulate. The classy woman became sassy, independent, and unafraid to flaunt her sexuality in a way that would’ve traumatized her Victorian predecessors.

Flapper girls, as they were known, had a zeal for partying. They would dance extravagantly, and into the small hours. Disregarding the accepted norm of the day wasn’t seen as something to shy away from. It was undertaken as a challenge. Mature women saw the need to defend their individuality.

Classy sexy women didn’t flinch from colorful language. When it came to relationships they savored a no-strings, often promiscuous culture.

The repercussion of the First World War was instrumental to the driving force for this new found confidence. A generation of women was faced by meager eligible partners. They were in no position to loiter at the side of any dance floor, waiting to be approached. Social conventions had been demolished. A philosophy emerged that life could be short and had to be seized.

Corsets were abandoned in favor of elastic-webbed girdles. These often had suspenders secured for holding stockings. Here was the commencement of the reminiscent underwear so treasured of modern classy sexy women. Heavy cotton bloomers gave way for a much lighter weight knickers, chemises and petticoats. Stockings became more sheer, oftentimes barely covering the knees. The newest models gave the provocative appearance that stockings weren’t being worn at all. This was taken to further extremes by the adding of embroidery around the ankles, up to the knees.

The flapper era launched bold jewelry. Beads were heaped in multiple layers. Earrings, which had previously been daintily hidden, became a focal point. British, French and Italian women sported art Deco designs, refined handbags, sequins, and all manner of jewels that gleamed brilliantly on the dance floors. One of the era’s most defining trends was the bobbed haircut. This was a sleek, angular style, far shorter than the Victorian tresses. This sophisticated cut was the essence of a new category of femininity. For classy sexy women it was a courageous statement of empowerment and sophistication. It was also decidedly non-virginal. Acknowledging a taste for promiscuity was no longer a social taboo.

There were further innovations for the refined woman. Instead of excusing themselves to visit the powder room, compacts and lipsticks were produced at the table. The accessory industry was born. The flapper marked a new dawn for the classy sexy woman. The shackles of the past were cast aside and a whole ideology took root, celebrating courage, independence and ambition. These attributes were to continue to simmer up to the 1960s, when skirts got shorter and love even freer. Although classy sexy women receive the full benefits of the social revolutions reverberating through western society, they remained acutely aware of their feminine artfulness. Classy older women did not become hippies. On the campuses of Britain, the US and western Europe, the youth was preaching love and peace. The more mature women adopted the spirit of the more progressive society while remaining equally dedicated to style and beauty.

The flower power children went for long, unkempt hair and saw no need to beautify themselves for men. But older, refined women were enjoying a social whirlwind of exciting music, dazzling fashion and provocative cinema, and were dressed to impress.

So classy sexy women have been evolving for a considerable period. But throughout history there have been constants, and these are recognizable to this day. Classy women are completely in control of the factors that make them irresistible to men – although it is equally important to them to do the things that make them feel good. Some of their traits are synonymous with different cultures. In France, classy sexy women are renowned as particularly appreciative of fine wines and haute cuisine; although true class knows no international frontiers.

Classy sexy women may at times seem self-centered, aloof even. But nothing could be further from the truth. They are simply cool, sophisticated and confident, and they care passionately about the things that matter to them. And for a young man who gets the chance to share time with a classy sexy women, life can become full of rich delights.